Thursday, June 23, 2016

POST 1524; BURNS' OREGON; JUNE 23, 2016

I passed up a lake fishing trip plus MUSHROOM gathering among Oregon's High Desert this afternoon .....

.....Instead. been at our computer for 7 hours continuous struggling to remember how to relearn to use computer systems after so long from it all

We are rewarded with more than 500 personal blog responses.  SAM and ME can hardly believe you ...

...and we are nearly ready to walk and roll.   Heather slipped a small token to SAM AND ME as we drove away.  Her token has enabled our search of the internet off and on today become the straw on which our new CABBELLA's  COT will warm and comfort our journey.

As you already know, our Love for you is limitless.

...   And so, here WE go again

... with a few new welcome faces and hearts riding SHOTGUN over WE HAPPY FEW ...


  1. Bruce
    Sure glad to here from you agine, glad your doing great, be Carefull on you travels
    Bruneau Robert
