Saturday, August 6, 2016


From the NE corner of the State Of Washington, some 100 miles North of SPOKANE, Washington, SAM and ME are settling into a corner booth of McDonald's in the mountain town of COLVILLE, Washington.

A few short hours ago we extricated ourselves from the clutches of Colville's MOUNT CARMEL Hospital.

In shorts and skimpy T-Shirt, we navigated our way through darkened streets following the North Star as it guided us along US Highway 395 ... .    SPIA was waiting, as we had left her, parked under lights of WALMART.  

Once again, SAM, SPIA, and ME were together ... together and SAFE.

It was sometime a year or so earlier that DALLAS contacted us as we walked and rolled across desert wastes of central TEXAS.  "My wife has died ...", Dallas lamented to our Blog, SENIOR's WALKING ACROSS AMERICA.   "I need your help, Bruce..."

Arriving in HURRICANE, West Virginia, we found Dallas alone in his home, suffering from constant fear and pain.  His wife whom we knew from our previous visits, recently passed,  leaving Dallas alone to fend for himself as Diabetes ravaged his body and mind.



A full day creating this update abs been wasted  !!!

Working with McD which I created today has refused by AT&T (McD) to post.  Working with McD Computer Guy, the problem is a AT&T McD wide problem of over 3 week duration.  

So, what you see posted above must be recreated thru McD ... i.e., starting from scratch.

Will try again tomorrow.

For now. NO, I am NOT fully well, but am working on it...

Will now try to add to my prior POST ... and hope for some AT&T / McD progress.


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