Friday, September 9, 2016

POST 1529; Driving To Washington State; Sept 09, 2016

Seems to be no end to surprises and to disappointments.  I have been one who looks to my own failures ... a single shortcoming is now and again expected ... but events since arriving at the home of DALLAS have been a bit much.

Our arrival - at the personal invitation of DALLAS and his new wife - has been over ruled by THE GARDNER.  Yes, DALLAS' 15 - year Gardner has taken exception to my arrival and presence.

Some time ago, while pushing SAM across the State of Texas, DALLAS contacted us through our Blog.  DALLAS was frantic, explaining that his ill Wife had just died, further explaining that he was now alone and asked if SAM and ME could quickly come to his CULLODEN home to help him.

He was, he explained, unable to care for himself and was facing amputation of his foot.

SAM and ME immediately changed our plans to walk to The Outer Banks.  Instead, we drove directly to DALLAS, finding him usable to walk or fend for himself.  In his own words, DALLAS announced to mutual friends that I "... saved his life."

During the many following months, DALLAS pleaded for me to stay in his home, where I assisted him on a daily basis with his doctor's directed treatment, including accompanying him to and from his medical appointments;

I prepared nearly all his meals - including purchasing most of the food;

I daily cleaned ... our home;

,,, and daily, I mowed his lawn - including his deceased wife's next door property -, even purchased a new powered lawn mower;

... and each Friday and Saturday night, accompanied DALLAS to the local dance.

One could easily say that I alone supported DALLAS and care of his property during the many months of his treatment and care ... all at his request.

During this entire time, I asked for NO $$ from DALLAS.  Neither, did I request or did I receive any $$ from DALLAS for my own costs expended on his behalf.

My continued assistance to DALLAS came to an end when DALLAS met and married his "new"  bride;  but, not until after she and DALLAS directed me as to how and where to move her furniture and belongings into her new home.

It came, therefore as a great pleasure that DALLAS and Mrs. DALLAS, jointly telephoned me a few days ago to return to their home and accept that I - at no charge - to move into the upstairs Apartment.

It came as a greater surprise that the "used to be Gardner" called the SHERIFF accusing me to be trespassing.  I was not allowed to plead my position, but was ordered to vacate the property by morning.

The SHERIFF also threatened me about my "Washington State License"  which he said was no longer no explanation.

DALLAS, in the mean time retorted to me that he would do nothing about this turn of events, refused to speak to me, being replaced by the Mrs, who began yelling at me   ....

My (deceased) Mother once told me to avoid those did not want me.  I considered Mother's feelings for an few hours, but as darkness fell, I opted to heed good advice,

As of this moment I am enroute to The State of Washington to satisfy the question raised about my license.

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