Saturday, September 10, 2016


Update for our drive to Washington State from Kansas City, Missouri (via DENVER, Colorado)

Distance to travel is 1,500 circa miles.

We have some $60.00 available until October 03, 2016.

Obviously, we must selectively delay our arrival pending receipt of $$ from Social Security $$.

Weather conditions may become a factor as we must cross the 5,000 foot High Plains AND the higher Rocky Mountains.

A new factor is our need to replace all four tires to remain safe.

"Shame on me" might be the obvious retort.  I plead GUILTY.

2016 has not been kind to us.

Going "to ground" soon is necessary to stay safe.  We therefor plan to find a suitable resting spot within NEBRASKA - more than one if necessary - .  We could divert via I-29 and I-90 into South Dakota, but that gains us little and possibly looses to increased inclement weather.

Our decision was made for us when DALLAS withdrew his invitation to move into his apartment ... well, probably much sooner than that.  I keep coming back to his comment to me nearly one year ago when he pleaded:

....." ... forgive me, Bruce, but I'm just trying to stay alive ..."

No offense, DALLAS ... I'm on your side !!!

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