Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Recent Blogs have alluded to a number of confusing events and aimless travel  back and forth across America ... travels with no apparent purpose ... laced with costly expenditures designed to keep our back to the wall.

Not about to cry WOLF or look for excuses, I will admit only to having lost faith in some principles central to our WALK, including investments and expenditures made in and on behalf of individuals.

To be sure, plenty mistakes rest on my doorstep.  Curiously, most hurtful have been errors not of omission, but rather of commission; i.e., taking on too much ... not realizing when enough is enough.

Fraught with recent illnesses coupled with desire to excel no matter what ... or who ... might suggest otherwise, has caught up with me.   Yes, anything CAN be possible.  But at what cost.

I look around this morning from an unfamiliar place.  Expecting to find OZ,  I find instead lots of unfinished involvements.   I must polarize my energies and accept one reality .... I can no longer do this alone.

...nor must I !

... and I look around once again.  I have a full belly; I am of sound mind and spirit, I have a plan to  complete repairs to SPIA; reinstatement on my Washington Drivers License is imminent;  illnesses are under control ....

... AND I wish to share a magical reality:  I am not alone.


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