Monday, September 29, 2014


One week SAM and ME have been house guests of DALLAS LOVEJOY in the city of HURRICANE, West Virginia.  I have had the pleasure to work with DALLAS manicuring his and his (recently deceased) Wife's home gardens and lawns, including adjacent West Virginia DOT (Department of Transportation) property - part of Interstate I-64. 

DALLAS has a daily routine, which includes eating lunch at the Senior Center and evening dinner at the local ARBY's ( which restaurant has hands down the best quality and nurishing menu of any Fast Food competitors.

DALLAS has included me in visits with local family, Church events, and two local dances...Western Style.  Our taste in TV options, however, is a bit apart.

Route 60 traveling through the local city of one time after World War I, perhaps the largest gun-powder manufacturing plant in the world.  Putting NITRO in an historical setting, it could be compared to the Japanese City of KOKURA...KOKURA was the PRIMARY Target of BOCKSCAR, the B-29 which instead Atom Bombed NAGASAKI during World War II.  During the KOREAN WAR, I spent considerable time in both KOKURA (Japan's primary munitions manufacturing location) and NAGASAKI.  Two days ago, DALLAS and I received a guided tour of NITRO's Museum of World War I and World War II activities centered in and around NITRO. 

US Army Air Force GLIDER used to land BEHIND German D-Day defended Beaches.  A friend of DALLAS, JAMES STANDARD, was on board this Glider on D-Day and later also landing in Holland.

NITRO as it looked in the year 1918.

NITRO City Water Pipes were constructed from WOOD.  No longer in use, the pipeS remain buryed and are maintained by the local Water District.

World War I NURSE in uniform.

D-DAY Invasion Beaches.  America was assigned UTAH and OMAHA Beaches.

The glider of JAMES STANDARD landed to the East (behind German Defenses) of the French city of STE. MARIE DU MONT ...and, his landing was BEFORE the Allies set foot on the beaches.  JAMES, today 96 years old, was tasked to set up communications in advance of the actual fighting.  JAMES also landed in a glider in HOLLAND before arriving in the Boot of Italy, leading the way to NAPLES, Italy and Northward.

Please say HELLO to JAMES STANDARD...a true American hero.  JAMES told me he wants to  return to Europe to revisit those places for which he played such an important part.

JAMES' actual glider,,,having come to a stop by running into a French Apple Tree.

JAMES and the NITRO Museum Curator.  Thank you for the time with DALLAS and ME.

101st AIRBORNE during World War II.  JAMES is standing a bit left of center on the top row.


A famous World War II Poster depicting ROSIE THE of American War Planes.  Historical Mother, LEONA PEARL (Brockman) MAYNARD worked from 1941 through 1945 at the Seattle BOEING Aircraft Plant, building the famous B-17 FLYING FORTRESS.

In 1942, I, 7 years old, visited Mother's workplace, admiring B-17 Number 500,,,painted with thousands of worker's names on the fuselage.  Mother's name was next to the starboard Side Gunner's position...yes, I stood admiring the airplane, got separated, strolled around for a while, fascinated, before walking to Grandma (MOM) Brockman's home in ALLENTOWN some miles South of the Boeing Plant.

DALLAS introducing me to many of his friends at the first of two Western Daces.

Please say HELLO to DALLAS and his Sister In Law, FLORA LOVEJOY...with whom I did a few turns around the dance floor.

Please say HELLO to the VOCALIST of the Western Dance Band.

Home of "BUTCH", DALLAS' Cousin.

Viewing local wild Deer from the front porch of BUTCH.

Please say HELLO to BUTCH...taking aim with his powerful CROSS BOW,  With his Prosthetic Leg, BUTCH does all manner of things - alone - keeping his property in pristine condition...

* * * * * * * * * *

I have settled in nicely here in the home of DALLAS in the city of HURRICANE, West Virginia.  It will be doubly difficult to say Good Bye when that moment arrives.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Lunch with DALLAS is quite interesting in that each weekday some hundreds of SENIOR CENTERS State-wide provide sit-down lunch meals to those 62 and older.

Supported by one third of revenue received from West Virginia LOTTERY, individuals are asked to DONATE as they can afford...many participating at no charge.  Meal nutrition is set at not less than 1,500 calories per meal.  As a Visitor, my donation is suggested to be $4.00 per meal.

The HURRICANE SENIOR CENTER prepares and delivers nearly 50 MEALS ON WHEELS in addition to some 50 seniors who "eat in."

CHEF's CHOICE selection for Wednesday - yesterday - included Wieners and Baked Beans, Potatoes, Cauliflower. Apple Pie, Corn Bread, Coffee , Tea and milk.  

A Weekly Menu is printed in advance of the daily selections.

Attendance yesterday at the SENIOR CENTER Lunch

Not-So-Wild Deer in the field next to DALLAS" home.

DALLAS' home viewed from the garages (3 separate garage buildings).  My job has been to operate the gas engine WEED EATER.  Taking two days to figure out how to re-fill the cutting cord, I worked some many hours trimming grass surrounding each shrub, tree. fence line, as well as the home itself.  We also keep up the next door home and some State property adjacent to DALLAS' home.

Will complete the entire job - for the first time - this afternoon.

DALLAS' Wife, who recently passed away, tastefully decorated the home garden with fine sculpter and out door furniture.

DALLAS' "Buddy" - the dog's actual name - has his own viewing spot in the pickup truck.

* * * * * * * * * *

Since arriving in HURRICANE, the weather has been near perfect, forecast to be even better next week.  Back in BELLINGHAM, such weather would be called INDIAN SUMMER.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Yesterday, September 22, was day number one without walking.  Should I begin serious walking today, my body will require three day's to recover that single day efficiency lost.  Should I wait one week, a full month of recovery will be required.  So, must keep walking each day to avoid "recovery" days when SAM and ME once again move on.

DALLAS has welcomed us into his home with graciousness.  For a single man, DALLAS' home is spotless. well organized, and quite comfy.   Riding in his new Chevy pickup, I have enjoyed being chauffered around town.  My Primary Doctor has been keeping an eye on me as we have been walking this past year, and yesterday, DALLAS drove me to the LabCorp offices, some 4 miles away, to complete a few tests...tests I would not have done without Dr. SHERGILL's guidance.

It is reassuring to have someone looking over my shoulder.

DALLAS put me to work in the afternoon, using his gas-driven portable Weed Eater.  It ran out of "Cutting Cord", which took me over one hour to figure out how to install new Cord.  Today I will finish trimming the yard grass...then look for a new chore.

The home of DALLAS.

HURRICANE has an active Senior Center.  Among activities is a Week-Day LUNCH at a modest cost.  I joined as DALLAS' Guest ( @ $4.00).  The full meal was delicious, served by Volunteers to the seated Seniors.

Please say HELLO to DALLAS, driving his new Chevy pick-up truck.

* * * * * * * * * *

Took the opportunity to weigh myself while at the Test Lab.  Starting our walks back on March 20, 2010, my weight was 210 pounds.  Receiving the heart STENTS last December 28 2013,  my weight was still 210 pounds - after 4 years walking.

Yesterday my weight was 199 pounds.  That seems OK to me.

Pushing SAM, I try to maintain good posture.  This keeps my back erect and seems to relieve muscle strain.  After a day off the road, however, a bit of back STIFFNESS is bothersome.  Keeping active by helping with physical chores seems a good idea.



Monday, September 22, 2014


Sliding once again into my sleeping bag, CHUCK put SAM and ME up in their entertainment center located on their hill top property a few miles West of the city of GALLIPOLIS, Ohio.  Because of festivites, no motel rooms were to be found.

CHUCK explained that I was not invited inside his home because of the recent trauma left with his family by the loss of his Mother and Step Father, both murdered.

Even so, in the morning, CHUCK and his Father drove SAM and ME across the OHIO River Bridge into West Virginia on Route 35 to the Convenience Store in the village of PLINY, some 30 miles from GALLIPOLIS, saving us a full day walk - and another overnight search.

Walking Route 35 some 6 miles to HURRICANE CREEK ROAD, we walked and rolled on that back country road until being offered a ride by a passing motorist, RICK THOMAS, who delivered us to ARBY's in the city of HURRICANE, West Virginia, home of our friend, DALLAS.

We have beat the COLD !


CHUCK's Hilltop Home.

Entertainment Center, in which SAM and ME found our overnight home.

Tucked into a corner of the Kitchen, our blog update was completed among our Air Mattress and Sleeping Bag.

Bridge spanning the OHIO River into the State of West Virginia.  Photo taken from the back seat of CHUCK's Pickup Truck.

Poor back-seat photograph of the OHIO River.

Please say HELLO to JEANNIE, of the Pliny Village Convenience Store.  I misplaced my previously prepared maps.  JEANNIE gifted me her West Virginia map, pointing out a back country road shortcut to our destination city of HURRICANE.

This Country Home overlooking a pristine lake is FOR SALE.

West Virginia typical countryside scene.  Certainly one of America's most scenic States !

SAM surveying JEANNIE's shortcut road from Route 35.

Shortcut road to HURRICANE is recently repaved...a pleasant conclusion to our two month race across America to reach DALLAS' HURRICANE home.

Many have been instrumental in our timely crossing and arrival...Thank You, again.

West Virginia his Long Rifle for his Weed Eater.

Please say HELLO to JEREMY - and his young friend - not pictured -, ISAIAH.

* * * * * * * * * *

DALLAS lives some 3 miles from HURRICANE city center.  I was not certain which road to take because of considerable new business construction   Phoning, DALLAS joined me at ARBY's, where I enjoyed the BEST Fast Food Sandwich (BLT) ever.  Sorry McD, but you don't hold a candle to ARBY's meaty treat.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


30 miles seemed a reasonable walk at 8:00am this morning.  When 12 noon arrived, I was struggling up miles-long hills on Route 35.

At 4:00pm, we arrived at the town of RIO GRANDE, still 12 miles short of GALLIPOLI, Ohio, our destination for today.

Try as we will, no vehicles stopped for us.  Two Police did stop, having received 911 calls from concerned motorists, claiming an OLD Woman was struggling with a Baby Stroller out on Route 35.    Chuckling, the Police confirmed that we were totally within the law.  I observed to the Police that folks are quick to call in the LAW for things they do not understand...and ignore the option to simply stop to ask if we need help.

Both Officers said folks are afraid for their safety, so they will not stop for ANY reason.

Leaving DAYS INN Motel early this morning from JACKSON, Ohio.

US Route 35...NOT a FREEWAY at this point, so SAM and ME walked and rolled on it all day...until 4:00pm this afternoon, at the town of RIO GRANDE, where it was declared to be a FREEWAY, prohibiting PEDESTRIANS.

A TRUCK STOP on Route 35, where I purchased a Mt. DEW drink.  Water is good to drink, but a bit of flavoring gives a lift to tasteless water.

At RIO GRANDE, we switched to OLD 35 once again, continuing to walk toward GALLIPOLI, some 10 miles distant...still thumbing for a ride.

As we were leaving RIO GRANDE, a pickup truck finally stopped, offering to drive SAM and ME to a Motel in GALLIPOLI>

Please say HELLO to CHUCK of GALLIPOLI, Ohio.  On an errand with his DAD, Chuck drove us to a Motel, only to find there were NO rooms available.  We telephoned a half dozen nearby motels, only to find NOT A SINGLE ROOM AVAILABLE.

CHUCK offered to drive us to his home where he had a large entertainment building ...completely protected from the weather, with electricity and running water.  I gladly accepted his offer that we , using our air mattress and sleeping bag, spend the night...for free.

In the morning, Chuck offered to drive SAM and ME across the OHIO River bridge on Route 35, into the State of West Virginia..

* * * * * * * * * *

It is now 9:00pm.  Our blog update is ready for publication.  My BED is laid ou ready to slide into.  Have sprayed for the mass of mosquitos, so should sleep well.

And, another day is in the books...including more new friends to help SAM and ME complete our mission. 

Thank You.