Plan For The Best...Prepare For The Worst...That, Brian is NOT a Swiss Weenie.
Up early after throwing my entire Month budget down the Motel Rathole in Lamar, Colorado.
Fill the gas tank. Force down unwanted Porridge & Rye toast. and drive North back up US 287.
Initial objective...get home, settle in, rest, eat well, and return one month.
Secondary objective...continue my Saga...just work around the NO WALKING part, take me meds, eat well, keep taking pics downloading into entertaining blogs.
Secondary objective won out. NOT going home...not directly anyhow.
Drove US 287 til it melds with I-70 til it meets I-25. North on the 25 to Ft Collins - which is back on US-287. Drive up Sentinal Valley...Both Sentinals still stand tall and alert a I pass below. Up and over "Windy" Pass. Stop at the Fireworks Store for some 2011 skyrockets & Hugs; then on to Laramie for gas...onto The 80 (I-80) and off again at Rawlins, Wyoming, where I force down another unwanted meal and to the motel to blog a bit. Now nearly 10 pm & I am a bit bushed....BUT, I have NOT WALKED, took my Meds and ate two full meals.
So Happens US 287 (cannot get rid of that Highway...is always where I am...going to where I wanna go) runs North out of Rawlins to Jackson Hole and Yellowstone. Both are kinda on the way to "home", so decided to rest up a bit doing some pics up thataway for a day or two.
Then, believe a swing thru the Tetons would be relaxing...and more photo Opps. From there, believe my next rest stop will be Snake River Hells Canyon. Intended to do that route when first planning my walk, but opted for the easier US 30 Southern Route. Now, WE get to enjoy both
A quick ride through Hells Canyon on a Jet Boat or Rubber Raft (NOTE: NO WALKING) should offer some unique pics which I would LOVE to share...I know Suzanne's Kids back in B'ham will get a boot out of them & might maybe perhaps give 'em a bit of stimulus even Mr. President would have to stretch a bit to match.
Oh, before I forget...On my way up the 25, (I-25), I stopped in at "THE WORLD"S LARGEST INDOOR RV SHOWROOM", "RV AMERICA" Introduced myself. Handed 'em my SAM & ME Card, and explained what I am doing and why I simply MUST find a Real Good Motor Home at little or NO $$.
They pulled up OUR Blog...did some OOOhs and AHHHs, and went into a huddle. They came up with an offer I simply could NOT refuse - and DID NOT refuse. Kevin Hawkins and his Staff are now proud participants in SAM & ME walking America...Their "near" gift is shown here...
Well ??? !!! WaddaYaThink ?
Well ??? !!! WaddaYaThink ?
We now have the Wheels...All we need do is entice the driver and for Brucie Baby to get and STAY healed. It is waiting in Johnstown, Denver suburb (no offence folks) along with SAM in her trailer. At the proper moment, I will fly to Denver, put the "train" together and with (hopefully) our new member - our Driver, get back on the road.