Please say HELLO to Teresa.
I met Teresa in the late afternoon today, so her photograph is chronologically out of order.
Teresa expressed such excitement at having her picture on our blog, that I felt it only proper that she receive prominent position by being placed first.
...and your pooches did not even think to bite me...

At 6:45 dark this morning, moved SPIA from WAL-MART back to Highway 56, where we parked in the empty bowling alley lot...then, I began my 4-hour walk to start out our day.

Felt it might be a rather boring day, so started out taking somewhat mundane photos.

Ole' Sol quickly changed that by lighting up the panorama.
It was particularly cold this morning with a stiff northwest wind.

Did not take pics of the police buildings...across the highway was a rather large prison, which I also did not take photographs...was previously discouraged from doing so.

...so, I settled on a rather picturesque farm scene.

...and my shadow reaching out into the fallow corn patch.

Passing through Summerford at the intersection of Highway 56 and US 40.
A place so small, the Ohio map does not even mention it's existence.

Summerford did have a couple interesting buildings, however.

A mile further on, appeared the Underpass for I-70 (Interstate 70).
I have driven over that overpass at least 25 times during my lifetime of crossing and recrossing the USA...never even thinking that one day I walk under it.

...makes one wonder what in the world am I doing here...

An old-timer Silo...completely hand made in the same manner as building a barrel.
Click click for up close look at the details.

An old-time "honey bucket" (we saw one in action a couple days ago!) on display in a farmer's front yard.

Our ultimate destination for today was the town of Urbana.

Things became more interesting as the day went along...
...here, an advertising sign being installed. Always wondered how they did that.

Please say HELLO to David.
David walked over to chat with me for a bit...seems the crew was making some repairs to the entire structure...removing the sign made it easier to reach the repairs...I came upon the scene as the advertising panel was being re-installed.
Thank you, David.

As will soon be evident, the town of Urbana is quite a surprise...from the standpoint of architecture and town history.

We have all seen the bundles of "hay" lying about the farmer's fields as Fall approaches.
Thought it interesting to see the early growth of that "hay". The above plants are known as "alfalfa", the primary plants used across the entire USA for top quality "hay".
Alfalfa is also often put up in huge rolls of hay, valued at many hundreds of dollars for one roll.

Early growth alfalfa up close.
Click click for an even better look.

The reconstructed ticket office for the New York Central Railroad in Urbana.
I popped in for a look see. It is exquisite inside, offering a full compliment of drinks to rival any coffee bar.
I purchased an Irish Creme Mocha - HOT - which I enjoyed sitting in an overstuffed sofa watching an old flick on a wide screen TV...a break I thoroughly enjoyed.

A view of some Urbana homes ... could be said to be on the wrong side of the tracks.

This farmer stopped his exquisite tractor for me to take this picture.

The West end of an East-bound tractor.

...and here is our friend, Teresa...
get out, Teresa, and shake a few bushes!!

...and Please say HELLO to Ed.
Ed was sitting in that chair a couple hours ago as I walked west out of Urbana. Being still there, Ed agreed to my taking his photograph for our blog.
Thank you, Ed.

...and Ed's next door neighbor, who gathered up his buddies to be included, too.

And now, for a few photographs of some of the most elegant buildings to be found on my entire walk...

To say the least, I did not expect to find these homes in the middle of Ohio...
Hat is off to Urbana, Ohio.

My dear (new) friend, Karen Estey, let me know that Wendy's had a special of baked potato with chili and cheese. On my way back to SPIA, I stopped in at the local Wendy and purchased it.
Far better than it looks. A complete meal for $2.25.
Returned to SPIA in time to have her serviced - oil changed, filters checked, differential looked at and drive shaft fittings greased. Feel much better now that SPIA has received her checkup.
In the morning, will drive before sunup to the village of St. Paris - 12 miles west of Urbana -, where we will begin it all over again.
This afternoon, I walked 10 of those 12 miles, so must make up the missing 2 miles when we get to St. Paris.
Little sister, Carol, tells me we are 375 miles from her in De Kalb, Illinois. We should arrive in
De Kalb about April 20, 2012.
We shall see.