US 84 leaving MEXIA, TEXAS (Pronounced: Ma Hair) Got a number of folks to say the name...just to be certain I had it right.
One mile from this intersection, I was as close to death as ever on my walk. Look carefully at photographs of US 84. The berm is at least 8 feet wide. Nearly everyone uses the berm as a second lane...almost always when cars pass one another, the slower vehicle - even 18-wheelers - take to the Berm to allow the faster cars to pass.
I was walking facing traffic. There were a few vehicles coming towards me...no one was passing. A pickup truck in the middle of the line took to the Berm to pass on the Right Hand Side...just so happened, I was walking in the Berm lane at that spot.
The pickup truck kept coming directly at me, not slowing, not trying to miss me, and I jumped out of the way at the last instant as he whizzed not two feet from me. He definitely was TRYING to hit me !
Later in the afternoon, about 15 miles away, another vehicle swerved into the Berm lane directly at me, honking, and gesturing for me to get the He__ off the road.
US 84 may be the best engineered and finest constructed road I have ever walked; the Texas drivers detest and physically try to eliminate Me, the walker from "their" road.
Unsettling to say the least

MA HAIR, looking back from US 84.

Entrance to a local ranch.

Many businesses are closed. This one may be "seasonal". Many items are already ripe and on the market.

A "failed" factory, not far from MEXIA, TEXAS.

When US 84 crosses County Lines, the surface of the highway often changes in quality and materials used. It may be a US National Highway, but it appears that local Counties maintain it.

Downtown FAIRFIELD, TEXAS. A small town of 3,000 +,. True, it was Sunday, Memorial Day, but just the same, appeared to be many closed businesses and a large number of "Antique" and "second hand" shops.
Most outstanding of all, however, is the large number of "religious" establishments...from elegant churches to in-garage missions. At least one on each town block. "God Bless You" is a favorite way of saying goodbye. Predominate on Marquees is the phrase...He died to forgive your sins...wonder what such psychology does for the VERY sinful...a kinda license to do Bad ???
Apologize...said I would not go there !


The Post Office.

US 84...note the nice wide Berm...used as the 4th lane by nearly everyone.

I know...getting tired of seeing US 84...Well, in 36 hours, we will hang a right at the town of RUSK, TEXAS, and follow US 69 then US 190 into Louisiana, which we should reach in about 6 - 7 days.

OK...promise...the last you will see of US 84.

Key to the "White Soil" ? The motel sign says Limestone Inn. Could it be Limestone in this part of Texas that makes ALL the soil white? If so, this area has definitely been a Sea-Bottom in the distant past.

A new Oil Well - one of many around here. Note: no Pump ! Wonder what is used to pull the oil up. My goodness...all that "white" soil.

At first thought this might be a Shetland Pony...but, he is too robust...any suggestions?

A couple days ago, we posted a sign declaring this part of Texas as the "Goat Meat" Capital...
There are a large number of goat ranches along US 84.

Home Garden # 4 in Texas...not completely true, as produce from this home garden is sold by the owners in their small shop.

Please say HELLO to Jessie Jones. Jessie and I had a rather comfy long chat...me sitting in the Rocking Chair (just like I have at home). 65 year old Jessie spends his time tending his rather large garden which supplements their income. He recently visited KEY WEST, FLORIDA, and was keen to share his 5 days there with me...
DAILY UPDATE: Walked 23 miles this morning. After a 1-hour nap, put in another 14 miles.
Total for the day: 37 miles.
SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 37 miles @ $0.02 per mile = $0.74 for the day.
SPIA, SAM & ME are parked in a shady pull-off US 84 about 5 miles East of FAIRFIELD, TEXAS. It became extraordinarily HOT & Humid this afternoon...the shade is very welcome.
In the morning, will leave SPIA parked and head East on US 84 toward LONG LAKE, TEXAS; then PALESTINE, TEXAS. We will reach PALESTINE tomorrow evening. The next day, we should reach RUSK, TEXAS where we will turn South on US 69.