Is now 10:00 am, Saturday, Nov 05. Our current storm has been with us for 24 hours with the projection that it will intensify today and taper off sometime tomorrow.
Shortly after daylight (07:45 am), I ventured out dressed for rain and cold, but wearing my "walking" shoes, not boots. The above photograph is at the point where Hurricane IRENE breached the island, causing damage to so many of the homes in the distance.
Before the Bucket Loader in the picture arrived, I attempted to walk past the break area. The new ocean-side barrier (piled up sand), was worn down to the point that the roadway (SR 12) was flooded and sand covered. I had no boots on, so turned back, taking the following photographs as I returned to DEJA VU.

SR 12 flooded a block South of t;h;e previous break.

A side road from SR 12 leading the few feet to the Atlantic Ocean Beach...it is fully flooded. Note the home...it is essentially sitting on the ground, which during Hurricane IRENE flooded about 5 feet deep at this point...

This shot is taken from the Balcony of DEJA VU, about two blocks away using telephoto on my trusty Panasonic. Ocean waves are forecast to be 14 - 16 feet high. The seas appear to be somewhat less than that at the moment. The wind is blowing at about 40 miles per hour making it difficult to stand up while walking.

The next few photographs are a bit of a study of the various heights homes are elevated above ground level. Any homes under 5 feet high were flooded by IRENE.

I have visited with the folks owning the distant home, a few hundred feet from DEJA VU. Their home sits about 15 feet off the ground; however, their entry is enclosed, containing the stairway and laundry room, leading up from the carport. The laundry room was destroyed by flood waters. The owners live in Florida and have been repairing the damage which should be complete in the next couple days...then it is ready for Rental.

Both these buildings are below 5 feet high.

Quite a contrast in height between these two neighbors.
It is now 10:25am. The rain has NOT returned. The wind seems to be abating a bit. I have changed into my boots - not rubber, but ok for an inch or so of water -. I will venture out once again and try to reach the new bridge 6 miles North.
Hope the local break does not close the road...else, I might be trapped out on SR 12...
We shall see.... - TO BE CONTINUED -
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