Putting SPIA to bed last evening at the Motel 6, this spectacular Sunset appeared for only a moment. I slept terrible. The bed was HARD. The blanket was, I believe, cut from a piece of Industrial Carpet...it was stiff and rough as a cob of eaten corn. When lying on my back, it was so heavy that it scrunched my toes back into my feet and I woke with painful feet. My, do I ever appreciate my three Duvets in SPIA...like sleeping on a cloud.

Had a $2.00 Denny's breakfast...then walked West on Brundage Road back into BAKERSFIELD. Many new buildings lined the 10 miles back into town...lots of them have never been used, such as the two above. Everyone seems to be suffering economic woes.

Doing better business are the many thrift stores.

These folks set up shop in an empty field next to the road. Considered buying a shovel - in case needed in the Desert, but didn't because I had so far to walk.

Finally reached the City Center of BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. As all other San Joaquin towns, spotless streets...not many folks up and about, however. The stores and parking lots seemed to have little activity.

The FOX Cinema (Theatre) in mid town.

Main Drag dives under the Santa Fe (now Burlington Northern Santa Fe) Railroad Tracks to reach City Center.

City Hall next to the RR tracks. There is another City Hall Building a couple blocks away constructed of turn-of-the-century (20th Century) red brick.

At one point late in the morning, headed for the Bus Station. Not much activity there either.

The Security Guard and the Dispatcher. Chatted with both for a few minutes waiting for a bus back to SPIA...the bus did not follow the published route, so I got off and still had to walk nearly 5 miles. Was late arriving at SPIA for an appointment with TV Station 39 Reporter / Photographer, Irma Cervantes.

The bus interiors are nice. Lots of room with only three riders.

Walking back to SPIA after getting off the bus, came across this broken-down Diesel Truck.
Click click to see what an 18-wheeler Diesel Motor looks like.

Irma and Hubby, Andy. Irma is Reporter/Photographer for Channel 39. She and Andy spent the better part of 4 hours with Me out on the road. I walked about 4 miles while they rushed forward, set up their big TV camera and filmed as I walked by.
Later, Irma and I chatted on Camera for a bit.
Irma indicated that our interview and film session would be on the 6:00 o'clock news both in BAKERSFIELD and FRESNO, CALIFORNIA. It was to be in both Spanish and English.
Andy is the Electrical Technician for Channel 39 - gets to have lunch with his wife every day -.

Channel 39 car we used for the Shoot.

Please say HELLO to Luis, a truck driver loading Potatoes where we did some of the shoot.

Truck being loaded with potatoes.

Irma arranged a scene where Natalia brings Me a bottle of water from her Grocery Store as I walk by...please say HELLO to NATALIA.
I gave her a SNICKERS bar in return...lots of hugs on camera.

Before moving SPIA from Motel 6 down the street to a "Good SAM" RV Park, made one last visit to Dennys. The skillet of BBQ Chicken Breast with whipped spiced potato and corn garnished with a selection of Mexican-style leafy highlights actually was excellent.
I have usually shied away from Denny's except for their great breakfasts, but this Dinner was worth a repeat visit.

For $2.99, I could not resist this Hot Chocolate Sundae.
DAILY REPORT: Walked 22 miles today. Count 14 miles.
SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 14 miles @ $0.02 per mile = $0.28 for the day.
After putting SPIA to bed in the RV Park, checked e-mails. Had two (2) e-mails from the local ABC TV station asking for an appointment to do more shoots. Agreed to do so tomorrow, with SAM getting in on the action.
Am very pleased with the media attention. It is the work of Ray, whom we met yesterday. Thank you Ray for your interest and extraordinary efforts for us. To pull off my continuation of walking beyond Key West - i.e., continuing around the World via Lisbon, Portugal; Beijing, China; the Bearing Sea (via Siberia); and Alaskan Highway back to the Peace Arch at Vancouver, Canada, I will need substantial support in the way of Sponsors. Media at this time could enhance our chances of bringing this project together and accomplishing something quite unique and perhaps even historic. ...Stay tuned in !!!
In the morning, will again walk East on Edison Highway towards the Intersection of Highway 58 (the Freeway) and Highway 233 from ARVIN, CALIFORNIA...then back to SPIA.
the Edison Highway up the Tahachapi is still too narrow for SAM. If ABC TV goes ahead with a shoot, I will use SAM on the Local Brundage Road, which is just fine for SAM.
Will probably stay a second night at this RV Park. Optionally, may move SPIA up the Tehachapi Mountain to the town of TAHACHAPI, CALIFORNIA, and work from there to complete my walk up to top and the town of MOJAVE, CALIFORNIA
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