After a quick breakfast at Dennys, drove out to Natalia's Deli and Grocery were we ended out wqalk last night. Upon return from our first walk of the day...6 miles up Old Highway 58, Natalia surprised me with a Sandwich for my lunch...Thank you, Natalia...you are one of the "unforgetable" ladies of my walk.

Natalia's Business in the town of EDISON, CALIFORNIA.

This gentlemen gave me a ride out the 6 miles...he was on his way to dump a load of trash at the Kern County Recycling.

Happened upon this "Dry Gulch". just a common stream without water. Some folks may not know that the term "Dry Gulch" can mean to Kill some by surprise. Common in the old Western Movies of the 1930's and "40s.

A shallow river...probably only a few inches, but spread out over a wide "gulch".

During our third leg of walking, ABC TV caught up with us. Jeff is setting up his Camera for me to start walking. Spent an hour or so with Jeff, who was not certain how or when the shoot would be processed or put up on the ABC Web Page...or perhaps the evening ABC News.
We shall have to wait to see what becomes of Jeff's efforts.

SAM was used in the ABC TV shoot. Since she was all up and running, decided to take her for a walk. Was so enjoyable to be on the road again with SAM, that we kept walking and walking.
We climbed some VERY steep and long hills...which turned out to be about 14 miles of about 8 degree hills, ending at the intersection of Highway 223, Old Highway 58 (which we walked), and the new I-58 which runs from BAKERSFIELD to MOJAVE.
SAM performed with her old eagerness and dependability. She dragged me along at a near 5 mile per ;hour clip...I was so "high", that after nearly 4 hours of constant climbing, I was not even breathing hard...even forgot to take a drink...guess that is what euphoria is.
Just love my SAM

Two times, I parked SAM - all by herself on the roadside, while I started walking back to fetch SPIA. Both times the Gentleman above, - please give a special HELLO to Able - happened by both times and drove me back to SPIA.
Almost too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence. Thank you, Able...you helped make my first walk with SAM a most enjoyable one.

Please give a big HI to Kenan and Poay.
Tomorrow there is a high-rated bicycle road race up and down the hills that SAM & ME climbed today. Kenan was to ride with his Group, but has to sit out...He and wife Poay were out scouting the route when they came upon SAM & ME>

On a steep hill, this handsome couple stopped to admire SAM and chat about my walk.
Poay Reilly recently arrived from Thialand.

The start of
SAM's long climb up Mt.
Tehachapi. We actually walked all the way to those distant Snow-covered peaks.

Nearing Highway 223 intersection with I-58, SAM rests to watch the traffic below on I-58.

This is one place I left SAM parked along the roadway while I walked back to
SPIA - but get
Able's ride instead...was gone from SAM for less than 15 minutes...All worked out fine.

SAM is nearing the top of the first part of our long climb. Those background Mountains are the actual hills we just climbed. SAM is such a Mountain Goat...do believe she can climb most any roadway hill. I am so very proud of her...a year and half ago, no one...NO ONE believed I could create and perfect such a machine.
I have NO electrical experience. I have NO engineering training. I have NO schooling in such a pursuit. I simply knew what I wanted my vehicle to do and went on and did it.
The decision to create SAM was the most difficult part...
I am so very proud of SAM.

This is the second resting place along side the roadway. Her Solar Panels are charging the Green Battery Pack, which carried her for 2 hours up the mountain. Her Red Battery Pack completed the task.

On our last leg, we came upon these bicyclists training for tomorrows Race.
Just before darkness, SPIA, again carrying SAM, drove over that distant Snow Covered Mountain. Beyond it is the town of TAHACHAPI, where we arrived in a driving snow.
We are parked for the night in K-Mart Parking Lot (a customary RV overnight spot). Had to crank up SPIA's Propane Heater, as it is to drop to 20 degrees tonight ... with who know how much snow...Oh, fun fun....

SAM, contemplating another long lonely stretch of road.
DAILY REPORT: Walked over 22 miles today...most of that up 8 degree hills.
SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 22 miles @ $0.02 per mile = $0.44 for the day.
Tomorrow - weather permitting - will walk back DOWN to the town of KEENEN, California, about 8 miles away. Tried this evening to turn around when we ran into snow on the climb with SPIA to TAHACHAPI (town), but the road was so narrow and twisting with NO place to turn around...and it was alternately rainy and icy...simply an exciting drive...tomorrow pics of all the Snow.
Great pictures and commentary Bruce. (Sam & yours' amazing race) :-> Fun to keep up on your adventures. Hope it didn't get too cold last night. :)
I never had any doubts Bruce. Wish I could have walked the valley with you, I rode a lot of miles on my bike out there when I was living in Stockton. But full time employment has me again for a while.
Un fuerte abrazo
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