Have NO battery left in the Mini, so must make this short.

I ask...where am I to walk...the roadway is large enough for all...some folks simply have a built-in anger and take it out on the walker.

Also received a ride from Garrett...on his way to visit his Ill Son...give your Son my best wishes, Garrett.
DAILY REPORT: Later...battery is gone.
It is tomorrow: DAILY REPORT for 04/19/11: Walked 40 miles...count 25 miles.
SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 25 miles @ $0.02 per mile = $0.50 for the day.
Parked SPIA on a wide spot on Hwy 62...trucks blasting by all night...beautiful vast vista of sand, sage, distant mountains, and a rather large dry lake. Considerable road work being done on Hwy 62 at the moment. Must walk thru the construction area in the morning.
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